6.4.2024 20:00
Ticket sales have ended.
Date | 6.4.2024 20:00 | ||||||||||||||
Entry from | 18:30 | ||||||||||||||
Place | O2 arena, Praha | ||||||||||||||
Organizer | Bestsport, a.s. Organizer | ||||||||||||||
Download |
Orientation Plan ENNIO MORRICONE Ticketmaster (319.45 Kb) Orientation Plan ENNIO MORRICONE Ticketportal (295.63 Kb) |
Price |
CZK 990 – 3 790 Order wheelchair tickets from Ticketmaster (ticket@ticketmaster.cz) and Ticketportal (rezervace@ticketportal.cz). |
Sale / reservation | Ticket sales have ended. | ||||||||||||||
Box offices |
Opening hours may change depending on the event schedule. |
Information | Bestsport, a.s. records of visitors and other persons in accordance with Privacy Policy. |
Organizer – Bestsport, a.s.
1. Vstupenka platí jen pro uvedený den, hodinu, akci, místo konání a sedadlo, je platná pouze s kontrolním ústřižkem a opravňuje k jednomu vstupu. Po opuštění místa konání akce pozbývá platnosti. Dodatečnými úpravami se stává vstupenka neplatnou. V případě uplynutí platnosti vstupenky, jejího poškození, zničení, ztráty nebo krádeže nelze vstupenku vyměnit ani nahradit její hodnotu ani poskytnout jinou kompenzaci. Další převod, prodej nebo zbavení se vstupenky bez písemného souhlasu pořadatele nebo pokus o další prodej za cenu vyšší, než je na vstupence vytištěna, způsobuje její neplatnost. Držiteli takové vstupenky bude odepřen vstup na místo konání akce nebo bude vyveden a zakládá to důvod pro zabavení vstupenky bez náhrady její nominální ceny nebo jiné kompenzace.
2. Vstupenka je cenina, její padělání a pozměňování je zakázáno. Pořadatel odepře vstup na akci všem držitelům takových vstupenek.
3. Zaplacené vstupné se nevrací, vstupenka se nevyměňuje. V případě zrušení akce zodpovídá za vrácení vstupného pořadatel. V případě zrušení akce uplatní držitel vstupenky nárok na vrácení vstupného dle pokynů pořadatele. Servisní poplatky se nevracejí. Náhrada zvláštních nákladů (např. hotel, jízdní výlohy) se neposkytuje. Změna programu vyhrazena. Datum a čas akce mohou být změněny bez upozornění.
4. Je zakázáno používání laserových ukazovátek a selfie tyčí.
5. Pořadatel poskytuje slevy na vstupném vozíčkářům (držitelům průkazu ZTP/P) a jejich průvodcům.
6. Při plnění povinností vyplývajících z prodeje vstupenek bude IRSnet CZ s.r.o. postupovat ve shodě s platnými obchodními podmínkami pro poskytování služby prodej vstupenek na sportovní a kulturní akce prostřednictvím prodejní sítí Ticketmaster a Ticketportal. Aktuální znění obchodních podmínek je k dispozici na www.ticketmaster.cz a www.ticketportal.cz.
ENNIO MORRICONE – THE OFFICIAL CONCERT CELEBRATION will be a unique musical event with a magnificent production curated by Ennio Morricone himself. The Prague concert will take place on April 6, 2024, at the O2 arena, with the baton being taken by his son, Andrea Morricone. The program will include iconic film melodies as well as previously unreleased compositions from Maestro Morricone and his celebrated collaborators.
Finally, it’s time to celebrate the world’s greatest film composer with a new ENNIO MORRICONE – THE OFFICIAL CONCERT CELEBRATION concert tour. Maestro Ennio Morricone himself began working in 2019 on a new concert production, which was to replace him on world stages. After more than a year of work and preparations, Maestro Morricone, as a curator, completed the entire large concert program. According to his wishes, the brand new concert will also include iconic scenes from the most famous films, lighting effects, and soloists with whom Maestro Morricone has collaborated for many years will perform on stage together with a symphony orchestra and a large choir. His son, Andrea Morricone, will take over the baton.
July 6, 2020 Ennio Morricone left us at the age of 91. The big ENNIO MORRICONE – THE OFFICIAL CONCERT CELEBRATION concert tour will pay homage to the Maestro in many European and non-European capitals. The program will be complemented by a large-screen projection, where in addition to well-known film scenes, viewers will also see previously unpublished shots of the legendary composer at work, including interesting interviews.
Ennio Morricone has composed music for more than 500 films and television productions. He has also composed over 100 individual musical works. The new concert program will include the most famous songs from the films Bio Paradise, Then in America, Good and Ugly, Incorruptible and Missions.
“It will be a bittersweet experience, because of course I miss my father very much. But having the opportunity to honor him by conducting a large symphony orchestra and choir playing his phenomenal music is a great and deeply emotional opportunity to meet and celebrate with his fans around the world,” comments Andrea Morricone.
Andrea Morricone is an acclaimed composer and conductor who has worked closely with his father for many years. He and his father won a BAFTA award for “The Love Theme” from the film Bio Paradise, which he composed. In addition to film music, Andrea Morricone conducts and composes a wide variety of music across genres. Among his most recent works is the theme for World Expo 2015 “La Forza Del Sorriso”, sung by Andrea Bocelli.
Under the baton of Andrea Morricone, the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, a large choir, and world-renowned soloists will perform at the O2 arena Prague on April 6, 2024, as part of ENNIO MORRICONE – THE OFFICIAL CONCERT CELEBRATION. Together with the Czech audience, which Maestro Ennia Morricone has loved for many years, they pay tribute to the world composer and at the same time enjoy a wonderful musical and cinematic experience.