17.2.2023 20:00
Ticket sales have ended.
Date | 17.2.2023 20:00 | ||||||
Entry from | 18:30 | ||||||
Place | O2 arena, Praha | ||||||
Organizer | Bestsport, a.s. Organizer | ||||||
Download |
Orientation Plan LEWIS CAPALDI Ticketmaster (288.83 Kb) Orientation Plan LEWIS CAPALDI Ticketportal (278.85 Kb) |
Price |
CZK 1 290 – 1 890 Order wheelchair tickets from Ticketmaster (ticket@ticketmaster.cz) and Ticketportal. |
Sale / reservation | Ticket sales have ended. | ||||||
Box offices |
Opening hours may change depending on the event schedule. |
Information | Bestsport, a.s. records of visitors and other persons in accordance with Privacy Policy. |
Organizer – Bestsport, a.s.
Vstupenka platí jen pro uvedený den, hodinu, akci, místo konání a sedadlo, je platná pouze s kontrolním ústřižkem a opravňuje k jednomu vstupu. Po opuštění místa konání akce pozbývá platnosti. Dodatečnými úpravami se stává vstupenka neplatnou. V případě uplynutí platnosti vstupenky, jejího poškození, zničení, ztráty nebo krádeže nelze vstupenku vyměnit ani nahradit její hodnotu ani poskytnout jinou kompenzaci. Další převod, prodej nebo zbavení se vstupenky bez písemného souhlasu pořadatele nebo pokus o další prodej za cenu vyšší, než je na vstupence vytištěna, způsobuje její neplatnost. Držiteli takové vstupenky bude odepřen vstup na místo konání akce nebo bude vyveden a zakládá to důvod pro zabavení vstupenky bez náhrady její nominální ceny nebo jiné kompenzace.
Vstupenka je cenina, její padělání a pozměňování je zakázáno. Pořadatel odepře vstup na akci všem držitelům takových vstupenek.
Zaplacené vstupné se nevrací, vstupenka se nevyměňuje. V případě zrušení akce zodpovídá za vrácení vstupného pořadatel. V případě zrušení akce uplatní držitel vstupenky nárok na vrácení vstupného dle pokynů pořadatele. Servisní poplatky se nevracejí. Náhrada zvláštních nákladů (např. hotel, jízdní výlohy) se neposkytuje. Změna programu vyhrazena. Datum a čas akce mohou být změněny bez upozornění.
Je zakázáno fotografování a pořizování obrazových a zvukových záznamů v průběhu akce včetně přestávek, vyjma malých kompaktních fotoaparátů. Dále je zakázáno vnášet do objektu kamery, profesionální fotoaparáty, tablety a zároveň je zakázáno používání laserových ukazovátek.
Pořadatel poskytuje slevy na vstupném vozíčkářům (držitelům průkazu ZTP/P) a jejich průvodcům.
Při plnění povinností vyplývajících z prodeje vstupenek bude IRSnet CZ s.r.o. postupovat ve shodě s platnými Obchodními podmínkami pro poskytování služby prodej vstupenek na sportovní a kulturní akce prostřednictvím prodejní sítě Ticketportal. Aktuální znění obchodních podmínek je k dispozici na www.ticketportal.cz.
Lewis Capaldi will perform in Prague as part of his BROKEN BY DESIRE TO BE HEAVENLY SENT tour. The Prague concert will take place on 17 February 2023 at the O2 arena. Tickets will be available at Ticketmaster and Ticketportal from Friday 28 October 2022 at 10:00 a.m. CET.
Talented Scottish singer-songwriter and musician Lewis Capaldi is one of the most successful and critically acclaimed artists of his generation. He is breaking records and rewriting the history of what is possible in the music business – he was the first artist to sell-out a hundred thousand tickets arena tour in only ten minutes, prior to putting out his debut album. The speed at which his shows sell out around the world is typical of Lewis in general, as are the numbers of streams he achieves.
Lewis’ unique voice is impossible to mistake, and his melodic, emotive songs are unforgettable. He has a talent for making his songs both lyrically and musically straightforward. And, he also has a trademark Scottish humour, which he uses to entertain his fans in the audience at his concerts and on social media.
He released his debut album “Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent” in 2019 and has literally captivated the planet with his original songs. Spending ten consecutive weeks at the top of the UK Albums Chart it went on to become the biggest selling UK album of 2019 and 2020.
In October 2019, his breakthrough single “Someone You Loved” hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100, making Capaldi the first Scottish solo artist to top the US charts since 1981. By May 2020 this global hit has become the longest-running UK Top 10 single by a British artist, ever. In the rest of the world, it charted in a total of 29 countries.
In 2020, the song was nominated for a Grammy for Song of the Year; and also won Song of the Year at the Brit Awards, while Capaldi won Best New Artist.
It is an emotional anthem about a break-up and the saddest song of the year, with over 2.5 billion plays on Spotify, making it the fifth-most streamed song on the platform of all time.
Since 2020, Capaldi has been working on his second studio album, which is expected to be released during 2023. First single from this upcoming album, “Forget Me”, was released on 9 September, 2022. The song hit nearly two million streams in less than a day and 20 million streams on Spotify in less than two weeks. The music video for “Forget Me” is Lewis’ favourite, as he says. “Forget Me” is also Capaldi’s third UK number one single.
Capaldi says of the single: “‘Forget Me’ is a song that’s so dear to my heart and I definitely feel like it’s my best tune yet. It’s about a break up I went through where after a year, the only real contact I had with my ex was seeing her ‘post-me’ life play out on her Instagram. I was at a point where I was feeling pretty miserable and she seemed like she was moving on and having the best time, thriving, and I hated it. It seemed unfair to me that she appeared happy while I was hurting, and I was fearful she might have forgotten about me completely, so I wrote a song about it.”
In private life, we’re talking about a vegetarian who loves animals and prefers dogs to cats. He’s obsessed with sunglasses, which he wears, collects, and reeceives from fans. He claims to actually be a lazy person and can definitely make fun of himself.
Capaldi’s only concert in Prague so far, in November 2019, sold out weeks in advance. Those who have experienced his live show know that it is going to be an unforgettable experience.
Tickets will be on sale on Ticketmaster and Ticketportal from 10:00 a.m. CET on 28 October 2022.
Lewis Capaldi – Someone You Loved
Lewis Capaldi – Before You Go
Lewis Capaldi – Forget Me