Ethics hotline

On this webpage you can report improper, unethical, or unlawful conduct violating Code of Ethics of PPF Group.

The PPF Group is a diversified investment group, both geographically and professionally. Despite this considerable diversification, the PPF Group combines respect for law, international treaties, ethics, morality and fair trade. These basic rules that the PPF Group and its employees follow in the course of their day-to-day work are guaranteed by the Group’s Code of Ethics. The PPF Group is interested in complying with the Code of Ethics in all its activities and under all circumstances, and thus in respecting the PPF Group’s basic principles, values and rules.

What is Ethics Hotline?

The PPF Ethics Hotline is a part of the comprehensive Corporate Compliance Program of the Group. It has been established as one of the means to detect unethical, incorrect, unlawful or other conduct found to be inconsistent with the PPF Group’s Code of Ethics. This line is intended for both employees and co-workers, as well as for all third parties.

What is PPF Corporate

The Corporate Compliance program of the PPF Group is a system of control mechanisms designed to prevent unlawful and/or unethical behaviour of the PPF Group companies and its employees, statutory bodies, external consultants, etc.

How are reported submissions processed?

Given that the Ethics Hotline is primarily intended to provide information that cannot be communicated publicly or directly for various reasons, its use is entirely discreet and voluntary. The receipt and evaluation of the submissions received through the PPF Ethics Hotline is administered by the legal departments of the individual companies of the PPF Group and the legal department of PPF a.s. as the main entity within the PPF Group Corporate Compliance program.

How can I find out the outcome of the reported submission?

The submission may be reported entirely anonymously or by entering the email address of the notifier. The result of the investigation will be subsequently communicated based on the form of report of the submission. If the notifier enters his or her email address or other contact details when sending the submission, the information on the outcome of the reported submission will be delivered to him/her electronically to the indicated email address. However, in case of the anonymous reporting of a submission, only general information on how to resolve the submission will be made available to the notifier on the website based on a unique code generated for the notifier after the report of the submission.

Documents to download

Full texts of the code of ethics

Submission report form

The Ethics Hotline application allows reporting information completely anonymously, without providing contact information.

Privacy policy and other submission reporting rules. The Complainant is aware that Bestsport, a.s., ID No. 24214795, with registered office at Českomoravská 2345/17a, 190 00 Prague, for the purpose of and in order to ascertain a potential breach of principles of the Compliance program of the PPF Group adopted, to ascertain a potential breach of legal regulations, international treaties and other tortious acts, and to take corrective measures accordingly, processes the Complainant’s personal data specified in the notification on the grounds of the controller's legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("GDPR"). The Complainant may object to this processing of personal data. For more information, please contact us via this Notification Form. The Complainant further acknowledges that its notification does not serve to settle personal accounts between the Complainant and the person to whom the notification relates. The submission of deliberately misleading, unfair, false or incomplete information may give rise to liability on the part of PPF Group or government authorities and such act is subject to penalties. The personal data provided in this Complaint may be shared within PPF Group with the persons responsible for handling the Complaint for the purpose of dealing with the Complaint. Bestsport’s privacy policy in general, together with the rights of data subjects, is set out here: By sending this Complaint the Complainant agrees and declares that s/he has been acquainted with rules for transferring the personal data, Principles for personal data processing and is fully aware of severity of wilful abuse of this Ethical line.

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Search the submission by entering the code and password.

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