The only Christmas concert of the 4 Tenors will take place in Prague’s O2 arena

october 9, 2024

The exclusive gala concert Vánoční přání (Christmas Wishes) by the group 4 Tenors accompanied by the B. Martinů Philharmonic is announced for Saturday, December 6, 2025 in Prague’s O2 arena.

In the two-hour program, 4 tenors sing Christmas songs, carols and legendary hits such as Už z hor zní zvon, Mně sílu dáš nebo Jdi za štěstím. There will be songs from the musicals Dracula or Aladdin, star guests and a children’s choir. 100 performers will perform on stage!

4 Tenors – Marian Vojtko, Pavel Vítek, Jan Kříž and Michal Bragagnolo – are a phenomenon on the local music scene. Since 2017, when this group of four soloists, founded by producer Janis Sidovský, held their first performance, they are currently among the most sought-after concert performers in our country.

During their concert activities to date, they have sold out Prague’s Forum Karlín twice and hundreds of other halls in the Czech and Slovak Republics, including the courtyard of Bratislava Castle, Ostrava’s Gong Hall or the National Theater in Brno. In addition, in May of this year, they successfully debuted in the Zankel Hall in New York’s Carnegie Hall, when the American press described their performance as “heavenly harmony”.

4 Tenor currently belongs to the top of Czech popular music and in the crossover genre to the most successful groups in Central Europe. Their albums received 2 Gold and 2 Platinum records, they were part of prestigious musical events such as Tribute to Karl Gott, Václav Neckář 80, Český mejdan with Radio Impuls or Královny popu. Their video clips on YouTube have been viewed by over 11 million viewers.

4 Tenors are voices you must hear.


Marian Vojtko, tenor

Winner of the Thalia Award, representative of the main roles in the musicals Phantom of the Opera, Ball of the Vampires, Dracula, Bídníci, Monte Cristo, Jekyll & Hyde or Baron Prášil.

He also acted in the shows The Man in the Iron Mask, Cleopatra, The Three Musketeers, The Enchantress, Aida, Tarzan, Troy, Polish Blood or Krysař.


Pavel Vítek, baritenor

He created premiere roles in the musicals Bídníci, Pomáda, Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia!, Noc na Karlštejn, Rebelové, Miss Saigon, Gypsies go to heaven, Angelika, The Three Musketeers or Ball of the Vampires, for which he was nominated for the Thalia Award.

His pop hits are sung by 2 generations of fans.


Jan Kříž, tenor

The two-time winner of the Thalia Award guested on German stages in the lead role of the musical Vampire Ball. In the Czech Republic, he performed in productions Krysař, Pomáda, Rocky, Saturday Night Fever, Noc na Karlštejně, Children of Paradise, Singing in the Rain, Mephisto, Robin Hood, Atlantis, Divotvorný hrnec or King of Hearts.

In 2022, he was the director of the musical Biograf láska with Hana Zagorová’s hits.


Michal Bragagnolo, operatic tenor

Guest of the National Theater in Prague (La Traviata, Romeo and Juliet, From the Dead House, Billy Budd, Julietta, Clever and the Moon, Nabucco, Love of Three Oranges) and soloist in the musicals Phantom of the Opera, Ball of the Vampires, Les Misérables or Ballad for the Bandit. He sang in the production Veselá vdova in the Karlín Music Theatre. In Pilsen, he performs in the operetta Netopýr and in the operas Dalibor and Candide. In Ústí nad Labem in Čardásová Princess and Manzell Nitouche, in Liberec in Don Giovanni and Čardášová princezna and in South Bohemia in the opera of the year Mephisto.


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Video from New Year’s Eve on ČT1 Mně sílu dáš


Official video clip


Dny zázraků a přání


Už z hor zní zvon